Catholics and non-Catholics Receive Communion Together in “Ecumenical Mass” Promoted by Turin Archdiocese

ecumenical mass
The “ecumenical mass” promoted by the Archdiocese of Turin, Italy

The group “Spezzare il pane” (“Breaking the Bread”) in the archdiocese of Turin, Italy, has officially started with the celebration of “ecumenical masses” where Holy Communion is distributed to Catholics and non-Catholics.

The group is headed by Catholic priest Father Fredo Oliviero, an apologist for illegal immigration, who has the support of his archbishop, Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia. The practice of the group to distribute Holy Communion to non-Catholics, is openly promoted in the newspaper of the Turin Archdiocese “La Voce e il Tempo”.

Among the members of the group are “Catholics”, Anglicans, Baptists, Waldensians and Lutherans. They gather once a month in one of their churches, where they celebrate a “Eucharist” according to the respective denomination, distributing “Communion” to everybody.

It is now customary that once a month, the group meets in a Catholic, Lutheran, Waldensian, or Baptist church to share the “Eucharist”, partaking in worship or Mass – officiated according to the liturgy of the host church.  According Fr. Fredo, the ecumenical ceremony replaces “in the foreground the identity of Christians with respect to belonging to a specific Church.”  He likewise said that the practice is spreading in other cities in Italy as well.

The Catholic Church teaches that non-Catholics may not receive Communion because they do not share our belief in the doctrine of Eucharistic transubstantiation. According to transubstantiation, the bread and wine are actually transformed into the actual body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining.

These developments, indeed, seem to be a corroboration of the various reputable prophecies in recent times that predict the rise of a false church in the end times, just prior to the return of Jesus Christ. This false church, according to prophecy,  will promote a false “ecumenical mass” that will deny the real presence of Jesus.  These prophecies are likewise supported by the testimony of the late Gabriel Amorth, former chief exorcist of Rome, who said that Padre Pio told him that the third secret of Fatima refers to a false church that will rise in the end times.

Not Required to Have a “Single Thought” on the Eucharist

In an article written by Breaking Bread Founder Fr. Fredo Olivero last May in Turin Archdiocese’s official newspaper and website, he said that attendees to the “Ecumenical Mass” are not required to have a “single thought” on the Eucharist: “It is not required, in order to live together this event, to adhere to a ‘single thought’ on the Eucharist, but rather to respect everyone for the thought of each.”

He also likewise cast doubt on the Doctrine of Transubstantiation of the Catholic Church, saying: “Neither Jesus nor Paul explained the ‘how’ of this presence [in the Eucharist], why then should we do it?”

Eucharistic “interpretations” not part of the Gospel?

Aside from support from his bishop, Fr. Fredo likewise claims that Pope Francis supports this concept of an “Ecumenical Mass”.  In the same article in the Turin Archdiocesan newspaper, Fr. Fredo recalls the visit of Pope Francis on June 22, 2015 to Turin Italy.  Pope Francis then became the first pope in history to visit a Waldensian evangelical church, and in that trip, asked Waldensian Christians for forgiveness for their past “persecution” from the Catholic Church.

Fr. Fredo recalls that on the occasion of that papal visit, Pope Francis did not refute or deny the point of view raised by the moderator, Eugenio Bernardini, who pointed out that the various “interpretations” on the Eucharist were not part of the Gospel.  Fr. Fredo quotes Bernardini, who then said in the presence of the Pope and Waldensian ministers and Christians:

Among the things we have in common are the words that Jesus gave on the occasion of the last supper, “I  am the bread… and the wine.”  The interpretations of those words are different between the churches and within each of them. But what unites the Christians gathered around the table of Jesus are the bread and wine that He offers us and His words, not our interpretations that are not part of the Gospel.

He said that unlike previous pontiffs who had “solved the question [on the Eucharistic presence] precisely”, Pope Francis admitted that could not solve the Eucharistic question precisely himself, because he was moving the Church from an authoritarian decision-making model, to a more “synodal” model.

Pope Francis Says to Lutheran Woman to “Go Forward” and Receive Communion

Fr. Fredo likewise recalled the answer given by Pope Francis to a question posed to him by a Lutheran lady during his visit to a Lutheran church in Rome on November 15, 2015. During the question-and-answer session after a joint prayer service with Lutherans, Anke de Bernardinis told Pope Francis that she was married to a Catholic and that she and her husband share many “joys and sorrows” in life, but not Communion at church. “What can we do on this point to finally attain Communion?” she asked.

The Pope responded by saying to the Lutheran woman to “talk to the Lord and then go forward”, suggesting that she could receive Communion in the Catholic Church:

To your question, I can only respond with a question: What can I do with my husband, so that the Lord’s Supper accompanies me on my path? It is a problem that everyone has to answer, but a pastor-friend once told me: “We believe that the Lord is present there, he is present. You all believe that the Lord is present. And so what’s the difference?”—“Eh, there are explanations, interpretations.” Life is bigger than explanations and interpretations.

Always refer back to baptism. “One faith, one baptism, one Lord.” This is what Paul tells us, and from there take the consequences.

I would never dare to give permission for this, because it’s not my jurisdiction. “One baptism, one Lord, one faith.” Talk to the Lord and then go forward. I don’t dare to say anything more.

by Paul Simeon, Veritas


  1. It is a mistake for the hierarchy to suggest to the faithful that union with individuals stemmed from the same ritual Baptism. Baptism is the entry into the Faith of the Church. Matthew’s Gospel we hear Christ’s instructions to his apostles to teach what He taught them; He says “he who believes and is baptised shall be saved; he who does not believe will be condemned” Baptism accompanies faith. The Sacramental life requires Faith, for the ‘believer’to be disposed to receive the saving Graces.

  2. Nobody can embrace the true faith without humbleness. The lack thereof must drive a person
    to say, that you can not change the DNA of bread and wine into body and blood of our lord.
    Sorry charlie, but you aint no christian. To cheapen holy communion as a mere symbolic gesture, is a bottomless offence to our lord, but this should come not surprising from bergolio
    and his gang. Be not fooled, bergolio and his gang are not in error, but rather very evil people.
    They want to destroy our lord by first perverting his teachings.

    1. True Popes and Saints have spoken very clearly on this subject. Catholic Baptism paves the way for the other Sacraments. Without Catholic Baptism nobody may consider themselves members of the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. They are now arguing that the world catholic means universal [ which it does] but ONLY in relation to the true Catholic Faith. Misusing words to suit their agenda doesn’t cut it!

    2. Humans limits God’s LOVE. The WORD, Jesus, visits the house of pagans and sinner to teach the FATHER’S KINGDOM WHICH IS HIS WISDOM.

      We’re speaking like we know God’s WISDOM who will enlighten our minds in order to UNDERSTAND God’s WORD.

      We are all CREATED, REDEEMED, to be SANCTIFIED by God…and most of all, LOVED by Him

  3. Jesus is truly present when the host is consecrated and said Jesus words which He said at the last supper ! He took the bread and blessed it and said this is my body and took wine and sais this is my blood which is shed for the forgivenesd of sins take and receive ! But before receiving we those who are baptized should examine our consciences and then if we are worthy then only we must receive otherwise we will bring judgement on ourselves ! It is as covenant made by Jesus with us so those who receive let them believe that Jesus is present with faith ! Please read old testament even God does not allow to eat the blessed bread those who were not circumcised ! If anyone confused please pray and ask the Lord Jesus He is there to answer all our questions ! We call Jesus as Lord and Master of our life then what is the problem in asking Him your doubts ! He is a gentle saviour and shepherd of our soul and He wants to come into our heart when we receive Him in communion to give us grace , to give us healing for our sickness and to bring joy and peace to our heart ! Jesus is alive ! Please read the miracle which St Anthony did to prove muslim brethren who had no belief that Jesus is present in holy communion ! Please clarify your doubts personally with Jesus ! He knows every heart’s deepest thoughts ! If you ask Him He will certainly prove it ! Let us humble ourselves for God’s glory in Jesus holy name Amen Hallelujah

  4. This is Apostasy and SCHISM for any clergy let alone a alleged Arch Bishop to allow this. This bishop and his friends in the Vatican should be REMOVED as apostates period right away.

  5. Such confusion and chaos in the Catholic Church is promoted by evil people who want to destroy the Church. This will go on and on until the Second Coming of Christ which is coming soon.

  6. The Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How can they say that Our Lord didn’t show us how the bread and wine become His Body and Blood? He shows us in the Last Supper how that is and His representative the priest follows in His footsteps to show us how. These masonic jews need to be thrown out of the Church. They are heartless and they hate our sweet Jesus.

    P.S. : Also, quotation marks should have been used around “Pope”.

  7. The one and only holy Catholic Church is now entering into dangerous waters before the second coming. We must never cease to pray and to say our rosary frequently, as Our Lady is requesting.

  8. The open warfare between the traditionalist catholics and the vatican is now oficial with the open letter to bergolio over his spreading of herresies. The line has finally been drawn From
    this moment on our love for faith shall be tested like never before. Iwish i could contribute to
    this wonderful mission, but i am very poor, even the i-pad i use is not mine. God bless you all
    in veritas vincet for your excelent work.

  9. It must be regognized, that for almost 2000 years the catholic church has had a clear teaching
    on the matter of holy communion. Since the 2nd vatican council more and more dout has been
    cast on this matter. Now we have ………. Enlightened men …….. within our church, that are trying to cast doubt on the matter. Our lord left us in darkness, and now these enlightened
    swines have finally cast light on us. From bergolio and his gang it can only get worse in our holy mother church. He who eateth not my body nor drinketh my blood, in him there is no life.
    bergolio and gang want to extract that life from us, so that we may become more malable for
    their evil plans farther down the road, and that farther down the road is very nie.

  10. This apostasies promoted by the Vatican itself plus this ab. . Time for retired Pope Benedict and majority to straighten out Bergoglio Francis wayward papacy promoting the same agenda with Lutheran statues and stamps.. Enough already.. They need a Formal repudiation of amoris latita etc. That alone . Is in order.

  11. This is Apostasy in its greatest form. Jesus was very clear when He said, “THIS IS my body…..”. These minions of Satan are unferring that He was lying. Yes, the time is here when the corn is separated from the weeds, and the sheep from the wolves.
    Pray my friends we need to pray!!

  12. I can’t read these things anymore. They are horrifying and extremely disturbing to my spiritual life…to the point of leaving the N.O. Rome for the SSpx, where the Deposit of Faith is preserved not perverted.

  13. The real Jesus returns soon from Heaven.But first we must destroy Lucifer and his cohorts,and the antichrist.Pray the Holy Rosary every day.

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